Loading BBC data

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Ansicht erweitern Die letzten Beiträge des Themas: Loading BBC data

von Mgm* » 02 Jul 2006, 14:45

I deleted the BBC Backstage plugin and downloaded the radiotimes on on its own. Everything working like a charm now. :)

von Mgm* » 02 Jul 2006, 14:21

Yes, I did. That's why I'm wondering why it's actually trying to load.
Also, I removed and reinstalled the program to another directory.
How did the program retain my selected channels? Where are those stored?

von bodo » 02 Jul 2006, 14:18

What do you mean with "deactivation" ? Have you deactivated the channel group? If not, this is the explanation ;).

von Mgm* » 02 Jul 2006, 14:15

So I guess it takes a while, but why does it still want to load, when I just deactivated the thing?

von bodo » 02 Jul 2006, 14:08

The BBC-Data is a 1-2 mb file. This file contains everything needed. All channels and all data for the next few days. If you have a slow internet connection this could take a while.

Another alternative is the Radiotimes-Plugin. It loads only small Files due to the different aproach of Radiotimes to offer the Data.

Loading BBC data

von Mgm* » 02 Jul 2006, 14:05

I downloaded the BBC channels, but now the program says "Loading BBC data" forever. I've tried deactivating said channels, but when I refresh the list it still tries to load those data. What should I do? How long should loading take?

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