Linux network connection via proxy

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von jgbreezer » 03 Jul 2006, 19:38

I agree, generic code is very nice and easy to maintain. You can probably get away with it in Java too most of the time without writing any. I don't know the language much, but is there a general library you can import for doing web stuff that knows about the local machine's proxy? I know if you're using it inside a web browser as an applet it can use the browser to make requests and they should go through the same way.

Anyway, fair enough. Sometimes you need to do platform-specific, and as long as it's covered under all platforms it'll be used on and not an essential part of it (ie has a safe fallback if not defined for a specific platform) and doesn't change the rest of the functionality I don't mind doing it myself.

von bodo » 03 Jul 2006, 17:01

The TV-Browser is not platform specific. We don't want to add too much plaform specific code into it.

If the code is *really* needed, it will be added, but something like this "nice to have" is not something we will add to the codebase.

Platform specific code is very dangerous ;).

Linux network connection via proxy

von jgbreezer » 03 Jul 2006, 14:59

Excuse me for writing in English, I never learned German. Use google translate!

On Linux, there is a de-facto standard using the environment variables http_proxy (as in "wget" application and "lynx" and others).

For example:

Code: Alles auswählen

export http_proxy=""
Or whatever.

Shouldn't tv-browser use these, if it is able to read them, or have the choice to. Would make it easier to configure.

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