Interface improvement suggestion

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Die letzten Beiträge des Themas

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Ansicht erweitern Die letzten Beiträge des Themas: Interface improvement suggestion

von bodo » 03 Aug 2006, 18:47

I can't see the picture. The server doesn't answer.

You can add the Day and Time-Buttons to the toolbar and deactivate the Panels.

At the moment we are planning a complete gui rework. we are discussing the filter list and other features at the moment.

Interface improvement suggestion

von bucko » 03 Aug 2006, 18:35

Since there is no english "Improvement suggestions" forum, I'll just put my suggestion here.

What I have in mind is something like this:

See, I don't have any need for the time buttons since you can put these in the toolbar. As for the date list, well I use keyboard shortcuts for that.
That's why I would really like to see the plugin view move to the right. I'd like it even better when there's a list of filters there aswell.
That way you can just click on one to see it take affect immediately.

I don't think that the "filter list" should look like the one in the picture (you cannot expand an individual filter so it shouldn't look like a folder IMO).

This is just a quick'n'dirty photoshop job, so use your imagination :)

What do you think?

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