UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

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UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von Jo »

I'm about to rewrite the SchedulesDirect Plugin to process JSON data. This means it will be able to display more channels, especially from Europe and especially from the UK. costs US$25/year. I/we am/are not affiliated with Schedules Direct and there will be no warranty of any kind if the plugin will not work as expected.

So there probably will be no interruption in the coverage of UK channels on TV-Browser. The data of Radiotimes with the Radiotimes Plugin will last probably until about the end of the month. Until then a version of the Schedulesdirect Plugin will have the possibility to add UK channels to TV-Browser (if you have a subscription to Schedules Direct).

To download the new Schedules Direct plugin: In TV-Browser in the menu click: Extras->Update/Install plugins. You need a subscription to Schedules Direct to be able to use it!
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Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von colin1951uk »

Hi jo,

I was just popping up to say goodbye to TV-Browser after trying to find ways of importing xml data as per my post: Can I Import an XML File?

I had a word with someone I know who writes stuff for his own personal use about my problem and he said he'd have a look at it even though like me he's not familiar with java. To date he's made two attempts at an xml import plugin but both failed and he's really not sure why. I think with time he may work something out but I haven't felt right imposing on his time as he does have busy family responsibilities.

So I had a look around at what else might be available to me and I found an add-on for Firefox that does exactly what I want. It's no-where near as feature rich as TV-Browser BUT it does the job so I told my friend to forget about a plugin (unless he wants to carry on with it.)

Now I come up here to say farewell to TV-Browser I see you're doing something to help people like me out what with Metabroadcast having shafted UK users.

I'd just like to say thank you for what you are about to do and of course I hope a modified SchedulesDirect plugin will work as required.

If you'd like a small donation for your troubles feel free to ask. I don't know how many UK users TV-browser has but I'm sure many would be happy to give something to support your efforts.

As for the Radio Times feed that will disappear on the 16th June according to the last email I had from Metabroadcast and this time it's serious. They have an agenda to make their products open to professional users only and hence paid for so keeping the Radio Times feed free would no longer be in their interests. In my case it's not a problem as like I've said I've found something else I can use but for others it may have been the end.

However you may save us all yet.

I'll keep my eye on the board now (which I haven't really been doing for a while now due to the Radio Times feed being so out of date) and hopefully see some good news from you soon.

Once again thanks for your interest and help to the UK community.
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Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von Jo »

Here is a new beta version of the Schedules Direct plugin. As mentioned above you can get (beside others) UK channels with it but have to subscribe to Schedules Direct .

(Removed. You can now do a regular plugin update from within TV-Browser)
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Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von colin1951uk »

Is this a working beta please Jo?

I downloaded the file and put it in my Pugins folder (C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\TV-Browser\3.4.4\plugins but Tv-Browser can't find it.

I expect to see it in the Manage Plugins options so I can add my Schedules Direct username/password but it's not showing up.

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von ds10 »

Try dragging the plugin file to the program table of TV-Browser it should show the plugin installation dialog.
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Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von colin1951uk »

I tried dragging but the file refuses to move into the program table.

I'm still using Java 6 and wonder if that's got something to do with it.

Any ideas?
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Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von Jo »

colin1951uk hat geschrieben:I'm still using Java 6 and wonder if that's got something to do with it.
Yes, that's probably it. It uses software that needs Java 7+. I would prefer if it ran under Java 6 but this is outdated for years anyway. Why don't you switch to an up to date Java?
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Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von colin1951uk »

Ok , I updated to Java 8 and now TV-Browser finds the plugin ok. (The only reason I stayed with Java 6 was because I used it for TV-Browser only and I couldn't be bothered to keep updating when the two were working fine with each other)

As far as I can tell the plugin works ok but I haven't downloaded a complete list of channels yet, but there's no reason to suggest that will be a problem.

Just for anyone's interest I've found the Schedules Direct data to be poor when compared to the Radio Times offering when we had it BUT it's better than nothing. So don't be surprised if you find data missing like series numbers and radio channels for instance, but you can still look on the Radio Times website for such information if it's important to have.

I'll give the plugin a full work out tomorrow and let you know if I come across any glitches.

Thank you all very much for providing this update, I was going to miss TV-Browser but not anymore :D
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Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von Jo »

The data quality is probably not better than from Radiotimes, but as you said, it is the only way for now. The plugin does not yet support all data elements from SchedulesDirect, so some minor important data (like "associate producer") will follow where available.

But everybody is free to contact the channels and write a parser for TV-Browser which could be of better quality.
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Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von Jo »

There is a problem with the data. It is sometimes incomplete. I'm looking at it and will upload a new version as soon as it is fixed.
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Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von colin1951uk »


I've now done a full download and I'm noticing bits and pieces missing, the most obvious to me is the Star Rating given to Films (very much like the Radio Times feed had before Metabroadcast ruined it) which I think is based on the IMDB ratings.

But looking through the xml files I downloaded to use with the other little Firefox plug-in I found as an alternative viewer I notice some programs like the Columbo tv series has the series/episode numbers included and they don't show up in TV-Browser either. There are others as well but too numerous to mention here

Maybe the Schedules Direct data isn't as bad as I thought it was then, it's just a matter of grabbing everything and not missing anything to fully appreciate it.

Hope you can find a fix...good men generally do :wink:

Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von Perrywong »

Can someone please confirm or deny that, in order to use Schedules Direct as part of TV-Browser, we will, each one of us, have to subscribe to Schedules Direct? If this is the case then Digiguide may well be a better and more affordable option.
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Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von ds10 »

Perrywong hat geschrieben:that, in order to use Schedules Direct as part of TV-Browser, we will, each one of us, have to subscribe to Schedules Direct?
That's exactly what you would have to do.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
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Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von Jo »

There is now a new version for download as regular update in TV-Browser. If you already used the manual download from this thread here, you should click the button "Delete JSON data" in the plugins settings to get the complete listings now.

The plugin still doesn't display all data elements from Schedules Direct, but the most important (e.g PG ratings are missing). Future versions will soon contain more. Days with "To Be Announced" in it are still not available at Schedules Direct.
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Re: UK channels (Radiotimes) / Schedules Direct

Beitrag von colin1951uk »


I've just installed the newbie and don't see any obvious changes to the original plug-in BUT I notice on doing a grab that I've only got data for Channel 5 up until the 24th June which is rather light to say the least.

I'm not sure if this is a Schedules Direct problem or whether the new plug-in isn't working correctly.

Before I complain to SD can you (or anyone else for that matter) check Channel 5 and tell me if you get the same amount of data for it as I do please?
