2 languages

You want to help in translating of TV-Browser / the Help aka Wiki / the Webpage ?
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2 languages

Beitrag von Borebille »

Must I, if I'm working on 2 languages, generate 2 zip files, or are all languages in this file?

Wie bekomme ich meine dänische Übersetzung, die sehr viel umfangreicher ist als in der ALPHA, in die ALPHA?

In addition to Danish I try also Norwegian. Is almost the same. I must respect only to the spelling and grammar. :roll: :!: :?:

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Re: 2 languages

Beitrag von bodo »

Send it as 1 Zip-File.

For Danisch Jo had done a translation. But someone send us a better translation. Don't know who? Maybee it was you :) ? Jo has a lot to do at the moment. But he has a Ticket open for that:

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Re: 2 languages

Beitrag von Borebille »

I was me. I hope it is in the BETA version, then I'm satisfied. It was TV-Browser + ca. 30 plug-ins. If I find errors in my translation, I will correct them.
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Re: 2 languages

Beitrag von bodo »

Do you have experience in using svn? If yes, you could do it yourselfs :) . I would love to give you access if you want to do this.
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Re: 2 languages

Beitrag von Borebille »

svn tells me nothing. If it is to program, I can not. From Win95 to WinXP, not NT and 2000, I can make flattened the computer and reinstall Windows. I can also assemble coputer from components. Maybe I could in BASIC programmers. I made it once in the 80s.
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Re: 2 languages

Beitrag von Jo »

A norwegian translation would be really nice :-). But it's not only spelling and grammar. Some common expressions in Danish are unusual in Norwegian and vice versa. But anyway, if there is a translation, then native speakers can submit corrections if necessary.
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Registriert: 27 Dez 2009, 12:53

Re: 2 languages

Beitrag von Borebille »

In my translation into Danish, I have not only translated word for word. I have taken over some expressions such as I have read it on Danish web pages, or as she told me of my programs that are in Danish, were displayed. If in my Danish translation is a Norwegian expression, sorry. Maybe I was before on a Norwegian website.

I know that my Danish is not perfect. But I know that many would not do the work to compile a program so extensive. Maybe they say, correct some mistakes is OK.
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Re: 2 languages

Beitrag von Jo »

Borebille hat geschrieben:If in my Danish translation is a Norwegian expression, sorry. Maybe I was before on a Norwegian website.
I only meant in general that there exist differences between those two languages. I can't say anything about your translation in perticular. But I think the translations don't have to be perfect, since others can correct them.
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Registriert: 27 Dez 2009, 12:53

Re: 2 languages

Beitrag von Borebille »

I conceived it not as a criticism against me. Nobody is perfect.
Since my second native language is Danish, I would like a personal criticism, if I make a mistake.
So I learn from my mistakes.
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Registriert: 27 Dez 2009, 12:53

Re: 2 languages

Beitrag von Borebille »

Errors in the translations can be seen est in use. I've done the rough work. For fine tuning I need help from other users.
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Registriert: 07 Apr 2006, 23:39

Re: 2 languages

Beitrag von Jo »

You can see your own translation in your TV-Browser when you add into your directory "/settings/[version nr]/" a directory "lang" with the content of the transation zip file. After restarting TVB you can also choose this lang in the settings.
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Registriert: 05 Jan 2012, 01:27

Re: 2 languages

Beitrag von nollienolan »

How to make a zip file?
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Registriert: 29 Okt 2012, 02:02

Re: 2 languages

Beitrag von wyllfritsche »

nollienolan hat geschrieben:How to make a zip file?
