Not showing all Schedules Direct program data.

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Not showing all Schedules Direct program data.

Beitrag von exPat67 »

Not all of my Schedules Direct program data is showing up for my lineup. According to Schedules Direct, they tell me that there are 13 program days available for my provider. I am only able to see 8 days worth of programming.

I have tried removing all files inside of C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Roaming\TV-Browser\tvdata and also have uninstalled and reinstalled TV Browser to no avail

Any suggestions?

Here are my program specifics:

Version: 3.1

Windows 7 6.1

Java Version:
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Oracle Corporation C:\Program Files\Java\jre7

Central Standard Time (6 hours)
Site Admin
Beiträge: 11833
Registriert: 07 Apr 2006, 23:39

Re: Not showing all Schedules Direct program data.

Beitrag von Jo »

Did you set the period in the download dialog correctly (should then be "all")? I tried WNBC and get data until MArch, 31st.

Re: Not showing all Schedules Direct program data.

Beitrag von exPat67 »

I have tried all the update settings and nothing brings in more then 8 days. At Schedules Direct instructions I did an XMLTV 21 day grab and I am able to get data all the way through 31-Mar-12.

Just now I did a 'Get All' update and it errored:

Problems loading the data, maybe username/passwort wrong or communication error.

1) net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.DataDirectException: Java heap space
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.SOAPRequest.readSOAPResponse(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.SOAPRequest.getData(
at schedulesdirectdataservice.SchedulesDirectDataService.updateTvData(
at tvbrowser.core.tvdataservice.DefaultTvDataServiceProxy.updateTvData(
at tvbrowser.core.TvDataUpdater.downloadTvData(
at tvbrowser.ui.mainframe.MainFrame$
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.AbstractParser.getGenre(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.AbstractParser.getGenre(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.AbstractParser.getProgramGenre(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.AbstractParser.getProgramGenre(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.XtvdParser.parseGenres(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.XtvdParser.parseXTVD(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.SOAPRequest.readSOAPResponse(
... 5 more

2) java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.AbstractParser.getGenre(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.AbstractParser.getGenre(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.AbstractParser.getProgramGenre(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.AbstractParser.getProgramGenre(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.XtvdParser.parseGenres(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.XtvdParser.parseXTVD(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.SOAPRequest.readSOAPResponse(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.SOAPRequest.getData(
at schedulesdirectdataservice.SchedulesDirectDataService.updateTvData(
at tvbrowser.core.tvdataservice.DefaultTvDataServiceProxy.updateTvData(
at tvbrowser.core.TvDataUpdater.downloadTvData(
at tvbrowser.ui.mainframe.MainFrame$

Upon clicking past the error I will always get:

The update of the tv database is ready.

I get that error routinely (not always) when I attempt to do any update greater then 1 week (e.g. 2 Weeks, 3 Weeks, Get All). But there is never any additional data (past the 8 days I normally get).

Would be really nice if I were able to load all of the data available to me so that my reminders and favorites could fully alert me about my upcoming programs (as TV Browser is so much better then myTellly).


Re: Not showing all Schedules Direct program data.

Beitrag von exPat67 »

I just noticed the one line in the error that I thought I should offer up more info on:

at tvbrowser.ui.mainframe.MainFrame$
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Just FYI: I have 4 GB of memory on my computer and the raw XMLTV file for a 21 day grab was only 134 KB -- so really not sure how I could be out of memory.

Nothing else was running on my computer except a single Safari browser window, no downloads, opened to this forum's page.

Re: Not showing all Schedules Direct program data.

Beitrag von exPat67 »

Ok, close this...I was just on Schedules Direct site and edited my lineup to only enable the 40 or so channels I have configured in TV Browser and not the hundreds that they have (many of which I do not subscribe to).

Now a 'Get All' pulls data through 31-Mar-12 without any errors...Some channels have gaps in available listings but I am assuming that that is because they are only supplying so many weeks of data to Schedules Direct and that is to be expected.

Thanks for allowing me the forum to think this through! :)
Site Admin
Beiträge: 11833
Registriert: 07 Apr 2006, 23:39

Re: Not showing all Schedules Direct program data.

Beitrag von Jo »

There seems to be a problem with the plugin. To get rid of the error messages at once, you could create a batch file (text file with ending .bat) in the TVB directory with
java -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -jar tvbrowser.jar
and then start this instead of the usual tvbrowser.exe.

Re: Not showing all Schedules Direct program data.

Beitrag von exPat67 »

Ok, I have created the batch file and actually like how it retrieves the data into the program grid (more additional information icons are now showing up). But, this leaves me with two windows open, one DOS window (called by tvbrowser.bat) and the other the TV-Browser 3.1 Graphical User Interface.

I did a bit of research online and found the following fix so that I only have the one visible TV-Browser GUI window visible (the other starts hidden via VB):

Using Notepad, create a file named invisible.vbs in the same folder as your TV-Browser install. (In my case TV-Browser is installed to "C:\Program Files (x86)\TV-Browser\" )

Note: If running Windows Vista or 7, you should right click on Notepad and "Run as administrator" if you are saving the file to a system folder.

Place the following single line of code in your file:

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False

Save the file as invisible.vbs in the same folder as your TV-Browser installation.

Call TV-Browser by executing:

wscript.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\TV-Browser\invisible.vbs" "C:\Program Files (x86)\TV-Browser\tvbrowser.bat"

Viola! TV-Browsers launches nicely with just the GUI window visible. There may have been a simplier way, but this works fine for me.

Thanks Jo!
Site Admin
Beiträge: 11833
Registriert: 07 Apr 2006, 23:39

Re: Not showing all Schedules Direct program data.

Beitrag von Jo »

I think you can also create a windows shortcut with the arguments, but don't know how.

I took a look and if I got it right it is only possible to download the data for all stations. So the best way is to reduce the channels you added at SchedulesDirect itself to those you really need. The next way is to reduce the days to download, and the third to increase the memory for TV-Browser (e.g. as shown above).