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Searches different in Laptop and Desktop

Verfasst: 27 Okt 2016, 14:28
von keithy397
Hi. Despite having the same search settings in both my Laptop and Desktop I get different displays. I prefer the Desktop version where it opens a new small Window to the Laptop version which activates some kind of Filter. How can I de-activate the filter bar and go back to the small window?

Below are images of different displays...
SearchInTVB02.PNG (177.03 KiB) 8207 mal betrachtet
SearchInTVB01.PNG (273.75 KiB) 8207 mal betrachtet
The lower version is the one I'd like.


Re: Searches different in Laptop and Desktop

Verfasst: 27 Okt 2016, 16:12
von ds10
The search settings cannot be the same, you have different date ranges for the search. If it is set to search only today a filter is used, otherwise you will get the wanted window.

Re: Searches different in Laptop and Desktop

Verfasst: 28 Okt 2016, 09:53
von keithy397
ds10 hat geschrieben:The search settings cannot be the same, you have different date ranges for the search. If it is set to search only today a filter is used, otherwise you will get the wanted window.
Hi. I'm sorry but your reply doesn't make sense. You're saying it is because my search settings are different, if that's the case why did I get the same search results but in a different display format?
Another quirk I forgot to mention is that if I go the Tools > Search method, the window appears with the search results, my desired outcome. It's only using the search box that activates the filter view.


Re: Searches different in Laptop and Desktop

Verfasst: 28 Okt 2016, 10:18
von ds10
No, it makes total sense, if you know how TV-Browser works. If you use the search box you have to change the settings of it and not of the search window, just click on the lense on the left side of the search box.

Re: Searches different in Laptop and Desktop

Verfasst: 28 Okt 2016, 13:13
von keithy397
ds10 hat geschrieben:No, it makes total sense, if you know how TV-Browser works.
That indeed was my problem! I had no idea there were search settings there! I have changed them accordingly and I'm back to how I prefer it.

Thanks once more...
