Non smooth scrolling, too sensitive scrolling Apple / Touchpad

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Registriert: 05 Jan 2019, 16:13

Non smooth scrolling, too sensitive scrolling Apple / Touchpad

Beitrag von Ido »

I'm not sure what is supposed to be normal, haven't used Swing UI for a long while.

I'm trying to see if there's a setting or hack I can check to improve especially scrolling performance.
My problem is that the program table is jumping and I instantly lose mentally where I am.
Smooth scrolling might help, I'm not sure if it's just the huge jumps because of the height and width of the table cells and missing smooth scrolling.
Update: no, the jump is not by a whole cell height, but still too much. Horizontal jumps ARE a cell width, which doesn't feel right.
Especially on an Apple Touchpad, nothing is as useful as per pixel smooth scrolling without any jumps. Currently it feels as too reactive, smallest movements result in big jumps.

The Macbook Pro M1 with 10 cores and 32GB is really powerful, but maybe the Toolkit is not optimised for this hardware?

I think the core is great, although a modern UI would be nice. Is there a goal to improve the UI with some modern Toolkit in the future?

Thanks for keeping the project going for so long!
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Registriert: 05 Jan 2019, 16:13

Re: Non smooth scrolling, too sensitive scrolling Apple / Touchpad

Beitrag von Ido »

I'd like to edit/update the post but I can't anymore.
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Re: Non smooth scrolling, too sensitive scrolling Apple / Touchpad

Beitrag von ds10 »

The program table can be dragged around or pushed to be autoscrolled. Smooth scrolling could be integrated in the future.
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Registriert: 05 Jan 2019, 16:13

Re: Non smooth scrolling, too sensitive scrolling Apple / Touchpad

Beitrag von Ido »

I can drag the content around but it is extremely laggy.
I think there's some basic rendering problem, at least on macOS.
It's not M1 specific, I remember TvBrowser was similarly laggy on my Intel MBP years ago. I expected this to be much better 5-8 years layer, this is why I'm reporting it.
Maybe everything is being redrawn for every frame? Then this would also be a problem on Windows. Maybe it's a macOS Java UI Issue?

I'd be interested if
* it's fluid on any machine (is there a video somewhere? I'll send mine to you ds10 in private, don't want to go legal for the content)
* what machine it is
* what's the CPU usage

On my M1 with 10 cores and 32GB it's ~126% CPU usage and dragging (or scrolling) is basically not usable. Huge jumps between redraws.

Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be pushy, just trying to help finding the cause.
I'm also guessing you guys might not have such a machine around for testing.

Let me know what I can do to help!
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Registriert: 12 Jan 2024, 09:40

Re: Non smooth scrolling, too sensitive scrolling Apple / Touchpad

Beitrag von EllisWatson »

Hallo Kumpel. Wenn Sie die Leistung und Scrollen Glätte Probleme in Swing UI konfrontiert sind, gibt es mehrere Ansätze, kann ich diese Lösungen vorschlagen. Das Aktivieren der doppelten Pufferung kann das Flackern reduzieren und die Gesamtleistung verbessern. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie die Methode setDoubleBuffered(true) auf Ihrer Komponente, wie z.B. Ihrer Tabelle, aufrufen.

Versuchen Sie, das Scrollen direkt in der Tabelle durch die Verwendung von JViewport zu ersetzen. Wenn Sie sich Sorgen um die Leistung des Apple Touchpads machen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Programm Multitouch-Gesten korrekt verarbeitet. Möglicherweise müssen Sie die Behandlung von Gestenereignissen anpassen, um eine reibungslose Interaktion mit der Schnittstelle zu gewährleisten. Ich hoffe, dass diese Informationen hilfreich sind.