Norwegian Translation

You want to help in translating of TV-Browser / the Help aka Wiki / the Webpage ?

Norwegian Translation

Beitrag von ThoSka »

I am in the progress of translating TV-Browser into Norwegian.

But if this is not interesting i will not bother to do it..

Please give me feedbak if i should continue the translation..

Happy Easter Everybody!

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Beitrag von bodo »

I think this would help some Users. At the moment we are waiting for the new Joomla Version. Then we will translate the Webpage into English and target an international audience.
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Beitrag von Jo »

Yes, a translation is useful for languages of which TV-Browser has several programs, so that people from these countries use TV-Browser. This is besides Norwegian also Danish and Polish. I already tried to translate TV-Browser into Norwegian, but I have too little knowledge of the language. It would be great if you do it.

Beitrag von ThoSka »

Jo hat geschrieben:Yes, a translation is useful for languages of which TV-Browser has several programs, so that people from these countries use TV-Browser. This is besides Norwegian also Danish and Polish. I already tried to translate TV-Browser into Norwegian, but I have too little knowledge of the language. It would be great if you do it.

Then i will continue the work.... Have a greeeaaat day...

ThoSka :D :D :D
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Re: Norwegian Translation

Beitrag von Borebille »


I would like to help. Norwegian is not quite my language. But I can as a German who emigrated to Denmark 2 ½ years ago, already quite good Danish. The Norwegian is not a very big difference. Maybe you even can correct my mistake? But I would only translate TV browser, not the plugins.
But it will take some time.

Perhaps it would be nice if I can translate from German into Norwegian. My English is not the very best.

Asking for feetback, if I want to help.

Borrebille 8)
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Beiträge: 19635
Registriert: 03 Dez 2003, 19:37
Wohnort: Köln

Re: Norwegian Translation

Beitrag von bodo »

Thanks for your offer.

If you want to translate TV-Browser, please use the Alpha from the News-Section, not the current stable release :) .